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Lars Eric Mattsson - 2023 - "Evolution"

(46:43; Lion Music)


I first came across Lars more than 20 years ago when I reviewed the reissue of his debut album, ‘Eternity’, and now here I am listening to his latest release, ‘Evolution’. In between he has built a very strong reputation within different metal fields including neoclassical and prog, and based on this I can understand exactly why that is the case. Here he provides guitars, bass, keyboards and all vocals and has only been joined by drummer Andy Falconetti while the strings and orchestral choirs are performed by the Astral Strings and Voices of Marbella. Mattsson is highly regarded as a guitarist in the Malmsteen style, but what initially struck me with this album was the quality of the vocals. I was convinced I was listening to Frank DiMino, and even though both his website and Lion Music state they are by Mattsson I have found it difficult to get past that as they are so very close indeed. Now, I have always been a massive fan of Angel, and I found that instead of grating on me, this actually made the album even more enjoyable. The way he lifts his voice at times is typical DiMino, but this is not some Angel knock off, but an album of wonderful variety and complexity which is also easy to get inside and enjoy the very first time it is played. Mattsson is happy playing ballads with classical guitar and runs, but he also shreds when the time is right, always with those wonderful vocals and arrangements which add so much to the overall sound. This is not music where the artist has gone quickly into the studio so they can get back out on the road, but there has been a great deal of thought and attention to detail, and it is impossible at times to realise this is the work of just one man. From the opener, “Fighting The Good Fight”, with its symphonic and neoclassical overtones one is brought into the fold, with the bringing together of the different forms and styles totally seamless. This never comes across as being by a multi-instrumentalist but instead sounds like a band who have been playing together for years and are incredibly tight. I was not a huge fan of Lars the very first time I heard him all those years ago, but this is a delight from beginning to end.

Progtector: November 2023

Related Links:

Lars Eric Mattsson Lion Music


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