ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages

SHORT REVIEWS: History of Updates - 2014;
2013; 2012; 2011; 2010; 2009; 2008; 2007

28.XII+ Al Agami & Lone Selmer - "Mind The Gap / Still Life"
23.XI+ Dreadnaught - "Have a Drink with Dreadnaught"
26.X+ Ancient Future - "Yearning for the Wind"
28.IX+ Ranestrane - "A Space Odyssey Part One: Monolith"
24.VIII+ Sea Vine - "Sea Vine"
27.VII+ Submarine Silence - "There's Something Very Strange..."
22.VI+ Dino Fiore - "Fleur Folia"
25.V+ Peppe Giannuzzi - "Violinizer"
27.IV+ Le Porte Non Aparte - "Golem"
23.III+ Colourblind - "Broken Dreams"
23.II+ Chest Rockwell - "Weep and You Weep Alone"
26.I+ The Fusion Project NGJ - "Distorted Reality"
26.I+ Soulengine - "Mind Colours"

Short Reviews from the 'Vault'

ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages