Vladimir Finkilstein's Sur Art

My name is Vladimir Finkilshtein. I'm a professional painter. Some art critics call me a surrealist, and I don't argue with them. My paintings are figurative and hyperrealistic; they appeal to people's subconsciousness, their deepest dreams, delirium and imagination.

Waiting for the Sign of Eternity
And Here and Everywhere

Fatal Frustration

I was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in 1960. Upon finishing the school, in 1977, I entered the Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute, Art and Graphic Department. In 1981 I transfered to the Tashkent Institute of the Theatre and Arts, from which I was graduated in 1986. After my army service, I became a teacher of drawing, painting, composition and history of arts at the Children's Art School. It took place in 1988. Since than up to now I teach students and at the same time create my canvases.

The Union of Earth and Water in Premonition of Lethal Outcome
Clinical Mirage

The Scream of Freezing Sorrow

My paintings and graphic lists were presented in a large number of exhibitions at the Central Exhibition Hall, the House of Cinema Hall, the Uzbek-American Demonstration Hall "Invariant" and others. My activity as a painter and as a teacher was reflected in local newspapers. Some of my canvases belong now to private collections both in Uzbekistan and abroad.

Trinity of Presence
Infernal Nocturne of Alice

Autumn Depression

My creativity isn't symbolistic. It's useless to try to explain each object as a concrete symbol with a concrete meaning. Like music, it recalls a spectrum of different moods and associations. And every person's impression won't be analogous to that of his neighbour. Each real piece of art has to have a certain part of enigma in it. When everithing's told and understandable, it isn't an art but minutes. At last but not at least, I'd like to notice that every painting holds an energetic message in itself and sensitive people are always open for such kind of messages.

Vladimir Finkilsteinart@progressor.net

Eparchy of Eternal Cold